Secret Update #2

So before going to bed I wanted to sneak a small update of an upcoming Gumroad course I’ve been working on. The parts are coming together even though the more I look the more I wish I could change. The final version has to look killer but I am sure the next updates will be even more impressive.


I would say hes about 50% done just in the chest. But the renders were looking very nice even at this intermittent phase. That’s cycles for you. I hope to have more updates soon and thank you all for your continuous support!

I also am giving sneak chapters out on my Patreon page. So subscribing also gets you insider access and $10+ subscribers get the gumroad courses plus exclusive content like brushes and all sorts of ill shiznit. So join up!


Also to leave for the night allow me to show you another fine render of Deux.
master xeon render_00000

Configured by Nick of the legendary 10. It touches my heart to see this guy coming to life and looking so awesome. Enough about play time to get back to work.

Nick also did the last ill comp of this guy. Just can’t get enough of him!

For those who don’t know of him his timelapse is here.

For coming allow me to drop one more brush for the night.

Also this song… *tear* Tazz is a soul who translates well into his music which flows through my character’s veins. The servant… has a mother#(@*ing song! omg!

Also that E3 amirite?

Just seeing that video pushed my art another level. Seeing what they can do just shows me I gotta work harder! We have the same tools… right?

And maybe leave the night on a laugh.

EDIT: one more sneak peek.

Secret Demo

For Uving for Substance Painter I have been experimenting with different types of Uving worflows. For example sometimes I UV islands based off of material selection which can be quicker however doing just regular old UV by manifold piece can be easier. The advantages of each are pretty different yet useful in their own capacity. […]