Hard Ops 00983 Update Log

I am pleased to announce the release of Hard Ops 00983 : Curium.

Also docs are being updated.

Banner image by the legendary AR – creator of hopsTool

Thanks Adam Krol for his work with the icons of hopsTool in such short notice.

Shoutout to Sir Charles for the release ad vid. Also on short notice.

This release brings more stability and improvements to the table so without further ado lets dive into whats new.

Updating / Installation

Returning customers.

Blendermarket / Gumroad / Installation / Topbar

Boxcutter also received a small update to ensure cross compatibility.

N Panel

The N panel has been updated with the mini helper and accompanying functions to make HOPS more accessible.

Also to be more persistent than the mini helper which can be problematic at this time.


Its can be nice to have a modifier panel that can go away with the N panel.

This will be key for later and keeping up with modifiers in fullscreen. I tend to keep an eye on my stack to ensure modifier placement is optimal for my needs.

Circular Array

Circular array was a popular request so it has been added. It has a couple of different ways to use.

First there is just simple circular array.


Then there is 3d cursor circular array which was intended for assistance with things like Boxcutter.


The 3rd state will not use the 3d cursor and will launch the user into displace allowing for quick positioning.


At this time adjustment is done via array and displace modifier modals. This will be streamlined in the future but for now our next feature will have to do.


Introducing hopsTool, the first active tool of Hard Ops. This is the first part of a new system that we have been working on. AR put an immense amount of work into this tool and I am immensely proud of what he and Proxe has accomplished.

Final ordering of modifiers may differ in final version.

Hotkey: Alt + Shift + W

Also can switch on alt + W if latest boxcutter is installed and alt + W hotkey is turned off.

Toggle option for hotkey in boxcutter. Disabling this will lets alt +W switch BC and HOPS


When activated a topbar will appear up top.


Below is a breakdown on what these options mean.


Display – chooses which dots will show during ctrl in this state

Shapes – hShapes or modifier generated shapes that serve as a starting points.

Modifiers – modifiers can be added to the shape and controlled in the 3d view using gizmo dots.

Misc – just mirror for now.

You are also able to make the topbar list smaller via lists in the behavior panel.


To showcase the idea of the tool in action.


We understand there being some limitations with how the instructions are conveyed and are working on ways to improve it but in the meantime I can only say the more time you spend in it the more fun it becomes.


The dots showing up on ctrl in this example are used to adjust various screw, solidify and bevel modifiers. When bevels are present they stick out of the corners with subsequent levels racking up more corner dots. This should make tweaking multiple levels of bevels easier and more intuitive.

These dots are only showing during hopsTool. Exit the tool to get out of it.

Like boxcutter / hopsTool can be exited with W or choosing any other active tool.


With hops tool procedural creation should be fun and enjoyable.


So the reason some mods have multiple buttons is due to operational differences with the system we aim to create. Someday they will work as intended and put the dots in the right places for the goals we aim for.

Even more interestingly you can ctrl + click a dot to adjust the specific mod or to fine tune properties using the mod itself.

The final cherry of this release would have been tool-tips but the tool-tip timer doesn’t update until the mouse is moved so a workaround system will have to be found.

When changing values on mods rapidly crashes can occur. There are know issues and limitations with the tool that we aspire to improve upon in the future. Also save frequently.


Boolean Dots

hDots also support booleans. This should make the boolean process a little easier and more intuitive.

With 2 object selected you should see 3 new dots.

Cut / Union / Slice


Boolshapes also get their own dot which is where things get really busy.

Fade distance can be adjusted if needed and booldots can be turned off if they are getting in the way.


This should come in handy for recalling specific boolshapes to modify.


hDot Tips

Perfect dots for your setup

Of course dots have a behavior panel for fine tuning behaviors.


In this prop you can adjust the scale and offset depending on monitor. You can also change the colors in preferences.



Ctrl + shift clicking dots allow for alternative modification.

Bevel dot adjusts the width but ctrl + shift allows for segment adjust.

The info text up top lets users know whats being adjusted.


On screw ctrl + shift left click dragging adjusts the steps in screw.


Simple deform also gets dots for making large adjustments on the fly.


When using hops tool w/ boxcutter and racking bevels the ctrl + add mod behavior adds a mod at 60 degrees which is smoother for going to box city.


The n panel can display your mod stack so get in there and look at the mods.


If you get confused about how a shape is constructed just mod scroll it.


Try starting off with a vert!

A vert can be a fun time for getting started and experimenting with non destructive shape creation. It’s also fun getting creative with decimate and mirror to create dynamic base shapes.



In Closing

Various bugs with scrolling and slash has also been resolved. We tried to make this release more stable than previous to set the foundation for what is to come.

The initial rough versions of new tools are always rough but I am eager for what this system will become. I like to imagine dots as placeholders for future plans of sliders and rounded icons that lets users know what mod is being affected. When this system was first added it was quite rough. After many passes by each of us it is now ready for this first release.

We hope you enjoy Hard Ops 00983.

I hope everyone is playing Astral Chain.

6 thoughts on “Hard Ops 00983 Update Log

  1. I am thrilled to see this–but it fails to install. Which .zip should I install? Neither work and this gives me an error saying I need to upgrade to 2.8 (which I am).

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